Workforce Financial Well-being: Why, What, and How
12PM ET – Thursday, May 6, 2021
Coming out of the pandemic, nearly half of Americans say they’d have trouble handling a $250 emergency expense, two-thirds say they’ve had their household income decrease, and the vast majority say that they’ve experienced increased financial stress – on top of the fact that money was already their top source of stress. From talking with hundreds of people and having been there ourselves, we know what that feels like – drowning.
And here’s the thing – workers drowning in financial stress are negatively impacting their employers’ bottom lines. As the graph from PwC captures below, financially stressed workers are more likely to leave for another company that cares more about their financial well-being, are more likely to be distracted at work causing costly mistakes, and are less likely to take care of their health leading to even higher insurance premiums.
So what can be done? How can employers adopt a framework that meaningfully responds to this challenge? What are the current blind spots? How can people leaders actively enable better workforce financial well-being to achieve better workplace outcomes? And how can we do it in a way that’s truly inclusive and equitable?
We are researchers and practitioners that have been asking these tough questions of employees, employers, and policymakers – and our simple goal is to be an evidence-based resource for you, elevating the importance of workforce financial well-being and enabling you to create a more holistic, sustainable strategy. Join us at 12PM ET on Thursday, May 6th over Zoom for this free webinar to learn more.
Interested in reading some of our thought leadership? Download our white paper: Recovering with Resilience: 2021 Report on Americans’ Financial Well-being and Evolving Preferences for Employee Benefits.
Unable to attend but would love to learn more? Reach out to us directly at