- Removed checking account language from employer tooltips (employers don’t have the option of check disbursement, so showing them help text about it didn’t make sense)
- Fixed ledger sync bug that happens after a stop transaction followed by a rebalance
- Fixed multiple UX issues in user registration wizard
- Fixed minor UI issue w/ goal cards in the employee Plan screen
- Added conditions to KYC status update to keep from sending user duplicate or near-duplicate email notifications during the ID verification process
- Fixed issue w/ decimal point entry in withdraw/rebalance & tweaked validation logic
- Fixed several issues w/ multiple transactions resulting from a single withdrawal request
- Fixed timezone issue w/ payroll spreadsheet upload/download & generally made date handling more consistent throughout the application
- Fixed bug that sometimes caused employer contributions to be processed outside the SLA expiry window
- Disabled additional withdrawal cancellations when user has pending ones that have not yet been processed (prevents an obscure ledger sync issue)